Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My Name?!?! :D

Marysol Luna! :D is a spanish name. When i was born my mom named me Marysol but decided to spell it in a unique name, if you separate my name Mar-y-sol Luna it means Ocean-and-sun Moon. I really like my name, but anyways i googled what my name and it this is what i got:

  • The name of Marysol creates a very quiet, practical nature and a clever and inventive mind.
  • Being analytical and naturally studious, you are interested in a factual understanding of the mysteries of life.
  • Your methodical nature requires that you like to finish what you start without interruptions and also to have everything in its place and properly organized.
  • An ability to concentrate could take you into computer programming or accountancy or any work requiring concentration and attention to detail.
  • You have, also, a flair for creative expression with your hands.
  • You take life seriously and can be easily and deeply hurt and go into moods which can be quite extreme at times, causing much turmoil and unhappiness.

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